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Fact Sheets

  • Referrals

    TRICARE pays for covered medical services for TRICARE Prime beneficiaries that are authorized in advance by the PCM. Think of your PCM as the provider that focuses on your overall health that has the ability to guide you to other health care professionals - specialists, hospitals, rehabilitation

  • Relocation - Relocation Assistance

    Programs and Services While moving is always stressful, your stress can be drastically reduced if you take full advantage of the information, education, and personal assistance provided to you by the Relocation Program. This is the place to find answers and get referral to other installation

  • Retiree Activities Office

    The MacDill AFB Retiree Activities Office (RAO) is made up of an all-volunteer staff. Our mission is to serve as an information center and a support system for retired military veterans of all branches of service. Retiree activities offices are made up of volunteers from all services including