Visitor Access Forms & Procedures


Welcome to the streamlined Real ID Registration process for accessing MacDill AFB.

Sponsor Eligibility

  • Only U.S. DoD personnel with a valid .mil email address can sponsor visitors.

Visitor Eligibility

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Requesting a Pass:
    • Action: Download the official template HERE
      1. Note: The template itself doesn’t contain CUI data; however, the cyber folks should review it first to determine if we want this in the public domain.
  2. Send the Spreadsheet filled out correctly to the Visitor Control Center:
    • The CAC holder must email the spreadsheet to: at least three (3) duty days before your guests arrival.
    • All requests must be submitted from your official .mil account.
    • You will receive an auto reply confirming receipt.
  3. Background Check:
    • Action: VCC conducts a background check and notifies the sponsor of approval or denial.
    • Visual Tip: Include an infographic showing the decision flow.
      1. Approved visits proceed to step 4.
  4. First-Time Visitors Using a Real ID:
    • Action: Sponsor must inform their guests to proceed to the VCC in-person during the below hours to register their Real ID. Note: Guests will be turned away if they show up earlier or later than the preapproved dates. 
      1. VCC hours of operation: Monday-Fri 6.a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Closed on Holidays.
    • Location Info: include downloadable base map (already publicly available via FSS website).
  5. Subsequent Visits:
    • Action: Visitors that have registered their Real ID at MacDill AFB, may proceed directly to the gate for access on the dates and times requested by the sponsor and approved by the VCC.
    • Important Note: Sponsors must submit all subsequent requests (steps 1-3) to the VCC at least three (3) duty days before the guests arrival.


The BAL program is recommended for short-term visits not to exceed five (5) days in duration or when sponsoring groups of 10 or more guests onto the Installation for an official function. It’s designed to allow approved guests to drive directly to the gates for access.

Sponsor Eligibility

  • Only US DoD personnel with a valid .mil email address can sponsor visitors.

Visitor Eligibility

  • Any US Citizen in possession of a valid and unexpired state issued driver’s license, identification card, or US passport and sponsored by an authorized US DoD member.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Requesting Short-Term Access:
    • Action: Download the official template HERE
  2. Send the Spreadsheet correctly filled out to the Visitor Control Center:
    • The CAC holder must email the spreadsheet to: at least three (3) duty days prior to your event.
    • All requests must be submitted from your official .mil account.
    • You will receive an autoreply confirming receipt.
  3. Background Check:
    • Action: VCC conducts a background check and notifies the sponsor of approval or denial.
      1. Approved visits proceed to step 4.
  4. Day of the Event:
    • Action: All approved visitors can proceed directly to either the Dale Mabry Gate or Bayshore Gate. Make sure to tell your guests to have their identification readily available to show the gate guard.  They should inform the guard they were invited to an event and are on the Base Access List (BAL). Note: Guests will be turned away if they show up earlier or later than the preapproved dates. They will also be turned away if they show the guard a different form of identification than what was submitted to the VCC.
    • Base Map: include downloadable base map with DMG/BG highlighted & high visited locations (already publicly available via FSS website).


Our mission is to streamline and secure the process of granting non-US citizens visiting MacDill AFB. This portal is a comprehensive resource explaining the process, guidelines, and requirements that DoD sponsors must adhere to before bringing a foreign national onto the installation. All sponsors must understand that escort authority, commonly called Trusted Traveler, does not extend to non-US citizens. You must pre-coordinate your access and receive written approval from 6 SFS.

Sponsor Eligibility

  • Only authorized US DoD personnel can sponsor foreign visitors.

Visitor Eligibility

  • Any foreign national who possesses a valid and unexpired passport and sponsored by an authorized US DoD member.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Official Business Visits (i.e., invited on behalf of the USG or base organization, embassy request, etc):
    • Action: Download the official template HERE
  2. Unofficial Business (friends, family, leisure, etc):
  • Action: Download the unofficial template HERE 
  • Send the Spreadsheet to Visitor Control Center:
    • The CAC holder must email the spreadsheet to: at least 10 duty days prior to the scheduled visit.
    • All Official and Unofficial requests must be submitted from your official .mil account.
      1. Note: If your request is unofficial in nature you must also submit clear copies the passports
    • You will receive an auto reply confirming receipt.
  1. Background Check:
    • Action: VCC conducts a background check and further coordinates additional screenings with interagency partners. VCC notifies the sponsor of approval or denial.
      1. Note: All non-US citizens must be legally residing in the United States
      2. Approved visits proceed to step 5
  2. Day of the Event:
    • Official Visits: All approved visitors must report to the VCC to obtain a base pass according to the dates and times that were preapproved. The Installation Commander does not require the sponsor to accompany official business guests to the VCC.
      1. Only new Coalition Partners being stationed at MacDill AFB and visiting flag officer delegations are eligible for BAL access. Sponsor’s must indicate this on the spreadsheet.
    • Unofficial Visits: All approved visitors must report to the VCC to obtain a base pass according to the dates and times that were preapproved. The Installation Commander requires the DoD sponsor to accompany all unofficial foreign visitors to the VCC and must remain with them at all times while on the installation.