MacDill Air Force Base Contact Information

To reach an organization on base, you may contact the Base Telephone Operator at (813) 828-1110.

How can I contact military personnel?

The Air Force can locate active duty personnel, as well as retirees, reservists and guardsmen. This information is not available for those who have separated from the Air Force or are Army Air Corps retirees. Information on individuals stationed overseas or in a sensitive position will not be released. However, the locator service will forward mail to that person for up to 90 days, as long as the correct postage is on the envelope and any required fee has been paid.

Air Force Worldwide Locator
550 C Street West Suite 50
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4752

Parents, spouses, and government officials may call (210) 565-2660.

If you need to contact a military member for emergency purposes, please call your local Red Cross chapter. Use operator assistance if necessary, or you may also find your local Red Cross chapter telephone number by visiting the American Red Cross, and entering your zip code in the Find Your Local Red Cross section.

How do I find my buddies from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etc?

Air University has a Web site with tips on locating military personnel. Locating military personnel: Past and present.

How can I reach the Web site admistrator with a question about this site?

Please use the 'Contact Us' button on the bottom of this page.