MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- It is a great responsibility to always be on guard, fully prepared mentally and physically to protect and defend when called upon. Security Forces defenders are the military police that protects the U.S. Air Force’s greatest assets around the world.
To recognize law enforcement and celebrate Police Week, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, hosted events throughout the week of May 6-10, ahead of the annual observance of the week of May 15.
“They protect us every single day from those that want to do us harm,” said Col. Stephen Snelson, the 6th Air Mobility Wing commander, during opening remarks. “I sleep well knowing what our defenders do for us and our families.”
The week-long observance began early Monday morning with a six-mile vigilance ruck march followed by a flyover that lead directly into a 5K run. As the week progressed, members participated in events such as a softball tournament, golf tournament, pistol competition. The week was wrapped up with squadron tours that showed family members the various sections that make up the best large Security Forces Squadron in the Air Force for 2018.
“This week, we get to celebrate what it means to be a law enforcement officer,” said Staff Sgt. Trisha Eddy, 6th Security Forces Squadron NCO in charge of police services. “Almost everyone within the defender career field has experienced loss and this is our time to honor the sacrifices they made for us.”
For many law enforcement officers, Police Week is a time to remember those who have placed and continue to place the lives of others ahead of their own.
“It’s our job to make sure everyone is safe, to protect and defend our country not knowing when we may come home or if we’ll get to go home,” Eddy reflected. “Police Week is our chance to get out into the community while celebrating the lives of our fallen defenders and law enforcement officers.”