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Hats off to dad

  • Published
  • By Col. Rob Rocco
  • 6th Medical Group commander
Ever since I was a kid, every time there was a TV close-up of a pro-athlete scoring a touchdown or hitting a homerun, he almost always looked into the camera, smiled, waved and yelled, "Hi mom!" While I certainly understood his desire to let his mom know he was thinking about her, I always wondered why he didn't say, "Hi dad."

Sure, mom was there at every game, made great sandwiches for lunch and gave great hugs after fumbles or strikeouts. But to be honest, dad really drew the short straw here.

After all, it was probably dad who took him to get his first baseball glove and dad who spent the extra money to get that sweet baseball bat (the really cool, expensive one).

I betcha' it was his dad who played catch with him late into the evening (even after a 12-hour shift) and come to think of it, it was his dad who taught him to swing a bat, how to catch a football and how to knock down a three-pointer to win the backyard NBA Championship about 200 times.

Here at home, I'm thinking while you were "Hi mom-ing," it was probably dad who taught you how to drive, helped coach the team, line the field, mow the infield and then take the team for burgers afterwards even though everyone knew all the team moms expected their boys home to eat something healthier and less fattening.

So this Father's Day guys, when you hit the game winning shot, score a touchdown, or make a shoestring diving catch to win a playoff game, just this once, say "Hi dad." And then later, when no one's watching, thank him for instilling in you the importance of loving and honoring your mom and for reminding you to shout "hi mom" when you actually do hit a game winning three-pointer, score a touchdown or knock in the winning run.

We love you mom, but this week our hats are off to dad. "Happy Father's Day, pop, and if you don't mind, can I borrow the keys to the car?"