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Looking good, MacDill; some wing standouts

  • Published
  • By Col. Lenny Richoux
  • 6th Air Mobility Wing commander
Quick, take a look around you right now. What do you see? Hopefully you are starting to see a fresher, cleaner MacDill AFB. For the past year, it has been a priority of mine to make MacDill the envy of every other wing in America. Think back to when you first heard you were headed to MacDill. What was the first thing that popped in your mind? Beaches, palm trees, sun and surf probably topped the list, and we certainly have plenty of that, but we must take care of our paradise. So while you're reading this, take a look around and if you see something out of place, take care of it!

Speaking of taking care of things, Chief Master Sgt. Jeffry Helm, the senior enlisted advisor for the Base Exchange was here last week looking for your input. The Exchange is constantly looking to improve, and I want to thank the chief for taking time to personally address our concerns. So if you got the chance to speak with the chief, rest assured that he and the entire Exchange leadership team take your concerns seriously.

Did you see the amazing concert in Hangar 3 that Tops in Blue put on Monday? You could not have drawn up a more perfect night. We had nearly a thousand people turn out to watch the performance and Tops in Blue did not disappoint. Capt. Allen Batiste, Lt. Michael Dax, Wendy Foster and the whole gang ... thank you so much for putting together this night to remember. It was incredible! Honestly though, my favorite part was welcoming a living legend on stage. I had the honor to recognize Field Officer Daniel Keel. Mr. Keel is an 89-year-old Tuskegee Airman who was awarded his bombardier, navigator, and pilot's wings in the 1940s. Field Officer Keel, you are my hero, and this country is lucky to have great men like you.

While I had the pleasure of welcoming a living legend at the Tops in Blue concert, I also was able to welcome several great Americans from the Tampa Chamber of Commerce on a tour of MacDill. We've maintained three priorities during my tenure: readiness and training, base community, and community relations. Being a good citizen to our local neighbors is extremely important. These fine people welcome us in to their schools, churches, hospitals and more. They are very proud of you, and through your entire career you will be hard pressed to find a better military city. It is truly an honor to live here, because Tampa is an Air Force town!

Most of us come to work every day trying to reach the pinnacle of our career, and this week I was able to high-five 13 people that have reached the top. Becoming a chief in the United States Air Force is an incredible feat. Only one percent of the entire enlisted force will ever reach this milestone. The Chief Induction Ceremony was an awe inspiring event that I will not forget. When you see the following chief selects, give them an "attaboy."
Ricky Bargmon
Timothy Blake
Timothy Brown
Todd Farlee
Troy Herr
Sana Hooks
Thomas Keyser
Dale Mcnees
Joseph Powell
Jeffrey Salakar
Jason Tiek
Joseph Wakey
Tyrone D. Williams

I am proud to serve with you in the finest Air Mobility Wing on the face of the planet!

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou