Lots happening, more to come; some wing standouts Published Oct. 14, 2011 By Col. Lenny Richoux 6th Air Mobility Wing commander MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- Does it seem like were moving ten million miles a second or is it just me? We just had our CCRI inspection last week, we also just finished our Genex/Mobex on Friday, and were starring down the barrel of Global Thunder this coming week, and oh by the way AirFest is two weeks after that. All of that doesn't even include the stuff you do every day to make this the premiere base in the Air Force and looking over the horizon, I don't see it slowing down. And I'm ok with that! During every feedback during my career, I've always told my boss these words. "I may not always be 100 percent perfect, but no one will out work me." I'm a strong type A personality and that is what I'm looking for during inspections and doing your job every day. I'm looking for the eye of the tiger. I'm looking for Airmen that want the ball in the fourth quarter when the game is on the line. I'm looking for leaders at all ranks, and yes you can be a leader at any rank to include our civilian force. I'm happy to say with every inspection so far, you have gone above and beyond and proved that we have leaders throughout this base. Keep up the good work, but now is not the time to rest. Speaking of feedbacks, are you getting your feedback? As a whole I'm not sure we have always done a good job with formal feedbacks, but you deserve feedback and it's your right to know where you stand with your supervisor. If you haven't had feedback or an eval done in the last six months go to your boss and tell them you would like to know where you would be graded if they had to give you an evaluation today, and what you can do to improve if you are not at the highest level possible. There should be no surprise for you, or for someone that you rate. Ok, so we are now in mid October, and if you've been here for a year or so you know what that means ... snowbirds will soon be here. Snowbirds are our friends usually from Northern states that come here to get out of the cold during the winter. Pretty soon Fam camp will be filled, and you will notice a family atmosphere out there. They have a significant economic impact on our community and base, and more importantly, I want to welcome them back home to their military roots. This year should be especially fun for them considering they will be here during AirFest. Considering AirFest is only three short weeks away, I think we have this base looking pretty sharp. There are so many of you that have made this possible but I want to single out one person. Mrs. Judith Grayson from our 6th Civil Engineer Squadron planned, executed and provided quality assurance for over $278K of grounds landscape improvements. These enhancements are incredible and significant to the overall appearance of MacDill AFB. Well done, Mrs. Grayson! Since we have our base looking so well, I like to show it off, and that is made possible by all the hardworking Airmen at the Visitors Center. Staff Sgt. Josh Williams has that place humming, and it is through his efforts that I can bring visitors on base knowing that they have been vetted by the best defenders in the world. Josh, I salute you and everyone at the Visitors Center for being the face of MacDill, and doing it so well. It is an honor to serve with you in the finest Air Mobility Wing on the planet!