Show time for Team MacDill; this week’s standouts Published Jan. 20, 2011 By Col. Lenny Richoux 6th Air Mobility Wing commander MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- "Here we go!" Ladies and gentlemen, it's show time for our Operational Readiness Inspection. I know we're going to knock it out of the ballpark! I hope you can make it to the ORI pep rally Friday at 11 a.m. You won't want to miss it! You are OUTSTANDING Airmen -- our 6th AMW and 927th ARW Team will show it to the IG. My confidence is in you, the people who are running the mission every day. We can put a lot of resources into processes, equipment and programs, but the primary focus of our investment MUST be the people. When we invest in you first, we see processes, equipment and programs work at optimal capacity. They don't work unless you're primed and ready to make them work. With that said, I want to recognize a few of many star performers. Sixth Maintenance Squadron's Staff Sgt. David Grant was the unit's go-to noncommissioned officer this week demonstrating exemplary performance on and off-duty. Being a good wingman he went above and beyond to organize the Squadron's barbecue to uplift morale and esprit de corps before the Operation Readiness Inspection. When Tech. Sgt. Kimberly Widener arrived in October her attitude and strong work ethic were key factors in anchoring the 6th Medical Group Dental Squadron's Record and Reception team. She scheduled numerous dental examinations and treatments to clear more than 600 personnel for the ORI. Additionally, she coordinated the completion of the annual records audit, ensuring the administrative and dental classification accuracy for more than 10,000 Team MacDill and joint service members. She conducted Readiness Skills Verification for five ORI participants ensuring they were 100 percent prepared for the inspection. The 310th Airlift Squadron recognizes Staff Sgt. Simone Power-Cordner. Over the last four months Sergeant Power-Cordner has set a blazing pace toward mission qualification by completing 121.9 flying hours on 39 sorties. During a recent mission surge, she assisted two other flight attendants by planning and purchasing all food supplies and preparing on-board meals supporting 17 customers of the Combatant Commander transiting nine countries. Her most recent work assisted USCENTCOM vice commander who lauded the quality of food saying, "Some of the best we've ever had." These are outstanding accomplishments. I had the opportunity last week to recognize many of you with accomplishments like these, in front of the Wing leadership. One stand-out was an Airman, who in a very difficult customer service encounter, maintained an impressive standard of excellence and patience without knowing others were looking. You all are doing great things and serving with excellence and you may not realize others around you and your leadership are watching. We are taking notice of your standard excellence and the integrity you display when you think no one else is looking. I am proud to serve with you in the finest Air Mobility Wing on the face of the planet! Go get 'em!