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Purpose of the IG and frequently asked questions

  • Published
  • By by Senior Master Sgt. Jeffrey Leemond
  • 6th Air Mobility Wing deputy inspector general
 The Inspector General system used throughout the total force is based on the concept that IGs serve as an extension of their commander, by acting as his/her eyes and ears to be alert to issues that affect the organization. 

IGs primarily serve their commanders and their assigned organizations, both by executing the complaint resolution process and by proactively training all members of the organization about IG processes and Fraud, Waste, and Abuse issues. A successful complaint resolution program is designed to enhance the organization's discipline, readiness, and war-fighting capability. IGs use fact-finding methodologies to seek out systemic issues that affect the organization. The following are frequently asked questions that we receive almost daily: 

Who may file Air Force IG complaints?
Any Air Force military or civilian member may file an IG complaint. However, many Department of the Air Force civilian complaints (e.g., discrimination, sexual harassment, and conditions of employment) must be addressed by agencies other than the IG such as Equal Employment Opportunity.Anyone, including civilians with no Air Force affiliation, may file Fraud, Waste, and Abuse disclosures Depending on the circumstances, the IG may also accept complaints from dependents or relatives of active duty members and retirees and their dependents. However, it's always best for the actual "victim" or person who witnessed the alleged wrongdoing to file the complaint. 

What types of complaints are appropriate?
Any FWA and violations of law, Air Force instructions, or policy should be reported through the appropriate grievance channels. The subject of your complaint must be an Air Force program or person. Bear in mind, however, the fact that you may disagree with your supervisor(s) over management styles or have what you believe is a "personality conflict" does not constitute an injustice or mismanagement. 

When are IG complaints appropriate?
Individuals should attempt to resolve FWA issues and personal complaints at the lowest possible level, using command channels before elevating them to the next higher level or to the IG. Further, complaints must be promptly filed within IG, command, or other grievance channels. IG's may dismiss a complaint if there is no FWA, recognizable wrong or violation of law, regulation, or policy. Also, complaints more than 60 days from date of occurrence will normally be dismissed, unless there are extraordinary circumstances or special Air Force interests to justify an investigation. 

Where should complaints be filed?
Complaints may be filed with a superior or commander in your chain of command, an IG or other appropriate inspector, or within any established grievance channel. FWA complaints may be reported to the Air Force Audit Agency, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, security police, or other proper authority. Promptly advise the AFOSI of suspected criminal misconduct or fraud. 

As there are too many questions to cover in this article, please feel free to call or stop by and speak to Senior Master Sgt. Edward Penton or Senior Master Sgt. Jeff Leemon for general information or if you believe you have a complaint that needs to be addressed. If we're not the appropriate grievance channel, we will get you headed in the right direction. We are located in the 6th Air Mobility Wing HQ Bldg 299, Suite 6. You can reach us at 813-828-4961 or via e-mail