MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- Entry controller, security forces trainer, security forces raven program manager, and enlisted professional military education instructor are just a few of the jobs Master Sgt. Dustin Maglinti has excelled in during his time in the Air Force.
Since joining the Air Force in December 2002, Maglinti has constantly strived to better himself and the Airmen around him by maintaining a positive and professional outlook on every aspect of his career.
To those who know him, it was no surprise he was picked up to commission through the Total Force Indoctrination and Total Force Officer Training program.
“This is an amazing opportunity for MSgt. Maglinti, and the Air Force couldn’t have selected a more qualified leader and overall Airman for the program,” said SMSgt. Byron Hayes, career assistance advisor, assigned to the 6th Force Support Squadron. “The training he will receive, combined with his already stellar leadership qualities and deep concern for the development of our Airmen will make him an amazing officer.”
Through his entire career the Air Force has given him opportunities to develop and grow as a future leader.
“I’ve always felt that success is a mindset and you need to make yourself available for success in everything you do,” said Maglinti, NCO in charge of the professional development center, assigned to the 6th Force Support Squadron. “My mindset has always been to be the best I can be at whatever it is I’m doing. Even if my duty title was installation entry controller, I was going to be the best one out there!”
When he was a Staff Sergeant he decided it was time to set new goals and focus on becoming a better leader in the Air Force.
“I applied myself toward my goal to become a Phoenix Raven,” said Maglinti. “I was accepted and certified as a Raven and fulfilled the role as a Raven team leader here at MacDill.”
Maglinti spent two years as a Raven team leader protecting Air Mobility Command assets around the globe before being selected for promotion to technical sergeant.
“Being promoted during my tour required me to become the Raven program manager,” said Maglinti. “As such, I began leading 15 Ravens and managed their worldwide missions in coordination with Tanker Airlift Control Center.”
A while after taking the Raven program manager position a spot opened up at the MacDill Airman Leadership School where Maglinti applied and got hired as the MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, lead instructor.
Maglinti began giving his knowledge back to Airmen as an instructor at Chief Master Sgt. Aubert E. Dozier ALS at for 168 wing and joint mission partner students every year.
“As a Raven the Air Force helped me develop many key attributes needed to be a great leader such as helping Airmen understand their job, teaching them to do their job effectively, and getting them to want to do their jobs to the highest standard,” said Maglinti. “On top of that, my time as an ALS instructor helped me strengthen the abilities the Air Force gave me by allowing me to not only mentor and educate Airmen but act as a frontline supervisor.”
Even while teaching 7 EPME courses, Maglinti pursued his Bachelor of Arts degree in Intelligence Studies at the American Military University and graduated in 2014.
These job titles and accomplishments were specifically articulated and thought over when he put together his OTS application package.
After receiving his degree, Maglinti applied for Officer Training School where he was accepted into the OTS Class 1705, with a commissioning date of June 2, 2017.
“I have always known that I would one day apply for a commission,” said Maglinti. “I heard a friend of mine once say to make the Air Force tell you ‘no’, not the other way around. I have lived that saying throughout my 14 years in the Air Force.”
Had he not been selected for a commission, Maglinti said he would have pressed on with his goal of becoming a Chief Master Sergeant in the Air Force.
He hopes his prior experiences and knowledge will help him become a successful commissioned officer in the Air Force.
“I think the time and effort the Air Force has put into growing my experience in all three enlisted tiers and my variety of jobs will be a huge bonus as a commissioned officer,” said Maglinti. “My enlisted experience has taught me many key attributes of successful leadership.”
With OTS just around the corner, he hopes to continue to further his leadership skills and to give back to the military community.
“My biggest goal is to serve my country as an Airman, for the Airmen,” said Maglinti. “I love all of the opportunities the Air Force has offered me and I hope to give that back to everyone around me.”