• MacDill details KC-135, “Spirit of Tampa Bay”

    Paintings and artwork immortalized on the nose of an aircraft have been a part of military heritage dating back more than 100 years. Each artwork is different, sometimes representing an extravagant squadron insignia, an old-fashioned “pin-up” girl, or can even be a beast-like creature. These

  • Team MacDill salutes Tampa Bay’s front-line heroes

    Everyday KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft lift off from the flight line at MacDill, take to the skies and carry out training sorties and refueling missions along the gulf and the southeast region. However, on Friday, May 15, the flight path of one of MacDill’s refueling aircraft will look completely

  • MacDill supports joint force exercise

    For around a week, the skies over MacDill Air Force Base, Florida buzzed with the sounds of HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters, as the base hosted a Joint Force deployment readiness exercise. The 512th Airlift Wing, Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, and the 445th Airlift Wing, Wright-Patterson Air Force

  • STEAM day fuels, inspires thousands

    MacDill Air Force Base opened its hangar doors for more than 2,300 students for the second annual Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) Day, March 8, 2019.

  • Honorary commanders immersed in MacDill’s mission

    As a branch of the military, the Air Force relies on partnerships. These partnerships can be amongst Airmen, or in some cases between Airmen and their local community.At MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, the Honorary Commander program does just that – bridge the gap between the military and local

  • Cybersecurity awareness month

    MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. – During the month of November, most people want to spend time with family in preparation for the holidays and plan winter vacations, but for the 6th Communications Squadron at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, November brings an increased need for cybersecurity