• AIM lands in Puerto Rico

    Several members from MacDill Air Force Base’s Aviation Inspiration Mentorship (AIM) team traveled to Puerto Rico to meet with local schools in the community to enhance their understanding of aviation careers within the Air Force, Feb. 12-14th, 2024.

  • Tinker K-8 School commemorates Black History Month at MacDill

    MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- Tinker K-8 School students gathered for an assembly in celebration of Black History Month here, Feb. 22, 2024.The event emphasized the contributions of African Americans throughout U.S. history, but also served as a platform for fostering a sense of community and

  • Metal Techs Refine Success

    MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. – Within the heart of MacDill Air Force Base, the 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron metals technology flight work in an environment where precision and fabrication meet challenges with creativity. This unique flight is critical to base operations, and by extension, the

  • MacDill celebrates Wingman Day

    MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. – MacDill recently celebrated Wingman Day, an event dedicated to enhancing the well-being of its Airmen, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, camaraderie, and resilience.

  • The Mentor of the Skies

    MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. – In the high-stakes world of aircraft maintenance, few roles are as demanding or rewarding as that of a Flying Crew Chief (FCC), and at the center of this operation is Staff Sergeant Ben Kellum.

  • Rapid Intervention Training: A Key to Excellence for MacDill Firefighters

    MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. The 6th Civil Engineer Squadron's fire department conducts rapid intervention training (RIT) as part of its mission to ensure the highest level of readiness and efficiency when responding to emergencies. This specialized training is a critical component in maintaining

  • Pathway to purpose

    How do you find your purpose? For Air Force Master Sgt. Zachary Pletcher, 6th LRS POL quality compliance section chief, it took a journey around the world, a brush with death and an incredible amount of faith.

  • MacDill EOD and security forces conduct integrated training

    Airmen assigned to the 6th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal flight and the 6th Security Forces Squadron survey the surrounding area during a dismounted exercise at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, Dec. 14, 2023. The 6th CES EOD flight and 6th SFS conducted a four-day training