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  • Courage, discipline; the road less traveled

    U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Shawna Wise, a 6th Air Refueling Wing Airman Leadership School instructor, commands a room full with the newest Air Force non-commissioned officers. She leads them with a calm, disciplined demeanor and effortlessly steers them along a path of study, encouraging them to lead

  • Valenzia: ABMS Will Deliver the "Decision Advantage"

    Brig. Gen. Jeffery D. Valenzia is director of Joint Force Integration and head of the cross-functional team responsible for establishing the manpower, resources, and doctrinal infrastructure for the Advanced Battle Management System program.

  • MacDill’s AFE ensures strategic deterrence through air refueling support

    When walking through the belly of a KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., it is easy to notice the little green pouches hanging from each seat against the walls, oxygen tanks on the right-hand side with masks attached and multiple other items secured throughout the aircraft.

  • 6th CES environmental leads effort to protect MacDill shoreline

    Since 2003, MacDill Air Force Base has partnered with wildlife organizations for the Oyster Reef Stabilization Project, a recurring effort aimed to advance MacDill’s ecosystem while restoring over seven miles of shoreline. The process calls on Team MacDill as well as Tampa Bay community members to

  • 6th MSG adapts, earns Air Force Outstanding Unit Award

    The Novel Coronavirus has made a global impact in 2020, and in many ways, it affected how a military unit operates. Despite this new challenge, the 6th Mission Support Group at MacDill Air Force Base was awarded the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award.

  • 91st Air Refueling Squadron revitalizes heritage room

    While some units are pleased with having a break room to have lunch, the 91st Air Refueling Squadron takes pride in going above and beyond for their “heritage room.”The 91st ARS heritage room will have newly refurbished tables, reupholstered chairs, frost-tinted front doors, a custom wood-finished

  • MacDill night flying key to proficiency

    When the sun sets over Tampa Bay, the lights come up over MacDill’s flight line. While many prepare to put the kids down to bed and head that way themselves, the prestigious pilots of MacDill’s 50th and 91st Air Refueling Squadrons kick-off their shifts with the roar of the KC-135 Stratotanker’s

  • NCOs: unprecedented challenges, effective leading

    In the profession of arms, the noncommissioned officer is often considered to be the backbone of the force. NCOs, being technical experts themselves, are entrusted to develop, lead, manage and mentor subordinate troops as front-line supervisors.