• Red Devils honor Women's History Month

    As Women's History Month comes to a close, the 50th Air Refueling Squadron, assigned to MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, joined other flying crews throughout the Department of Defense in honoring women past, present and future by conducting and participating in an all-female flight. For the four

  • MacDill supports Airman leadership qualities

    The Air Force announced 10 Airman leadership qualities which are now being integrated into a new feedback tool, for officers in the grades of O-1 through O-6 and senior noncommissioned officers in the grades of E-7 through E-9, to facilitate discussion between rater and ratee. The qualities, found

  • Tampa and MacDill leaders discuss diversity and inclusion

    Leaders from the 6th Air Refueling Wing hosted a panel of Tampa civic leaders via a live online event Feb. 5 to discuss diversity and inclusion as it relates to MacDill AFB and the located community. Air Force diversity includes but is not limited to: personal life experiences, geographic and

  • Top 3 Receives COVID-19 Vaccination

    Following the Department of Defense’s phased vaccination plan, Col. Benjamin Jonsson, 6th Air Refueling Wing commander, Col. Benjamin Robins, 6th ARW vice commander and Chief Master Sgt. Shae Gee, 6th ARW command chief, received their initial COVID-19 vaccination at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.,

  • Eight 6th ARW Airmen become Space Force Guardians

    Eight Airmen from the U.S. Air Force’s 6th Air Refueling Wing officially transferred to the U.S. Space Force on Feb. 1, 2021.Established in 2019, the Space Force is a military service that organizes, trains and equips space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide

  • 6th ARW, 20th FW Partner to "Accelerate Change or Lose"

    Nearly 75 members throughout the 6th Air Refueling Wing and aircrews with the 91st and 50th Air Refueling Squadrons flew three KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft to Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, to conduct a week-long integrated training with the 20th Fighter Wing from Nov. 29 to Dec. 5, 2020. This

  • Spill response team protects environment

    MacDill’s role in the environment isn’t taken lightly, and the base continually stresses the importance of keeping the environment clean. To ensure the base complies with all environmental laws and regulations, MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida has developed the Environmental Element Flight

  • MacDill, 6th ARW echoes CSAF’s message

    During a commander’s call at the base theater, Nov. 6, 2020, Col. Benjamin Jonsson, the 6th Air Refueling Wing commander, doubled down on an important Air Force message and call to action. “We need to foster urgency and excellence to accelerate change in order to deter adversary powers that have

  • Demonstrating rapid global mobility; MacDill completed base exercise

    The 6th Air Refueling Wing, working hard to ensure we are able to fulfill our mission goals, just completed a generation exercise. This was aimed to demonstrate our capability to perform our duties and deliver global mobility readiness, even during a global pandemic.