Resilience Training Initiatives

Since 2001, U.S. military forces have been engaged in conflicts around the globe. These conflicts have affected the lives of Total Force members, extending to the stress that repetitive deployments have on Service members and their families. This stress can manifest itself in different ways: increased divorce rates, spouse and child abuse, mental distress, substance abuse and suicide.

Comprehensive fitness is designed to improve the psychological health and resilience of Service Members, Families and DoD Civilians. Psychological strength, like physical strength, doesn't just "happen" - it must be trained, practiced and refined.

Vision: A command of fit, resilient Service members, families, civilians and the Total Force coping effectively in a community that thrives in the face of challenges and bounces back from adversity.

Mission: Increase resilience in Service members, family members, civilians and the Total Force through coordinated resilience training, assessment and promotion of resilience.


Spouse Resilience Training

Master Resilience Training

The Master Resilience Trainer (MRT) program is designed to offer strength-based, positive psychology tools to Service members, leaders and families in their ability to grow and thrive during challenging times.

The MRT course produces leaders with the capability to teach proven resilience skills to the military community. The goal is to enhance the performance and increase the resilience of Service members and their families.

  • MRT trainers learn the resilience skills curriculum and understand why resilience is critical for success and well-being. Through scientific literature, they learn about the core factors that predict resilience, with a specific focus on the factors that are amenable to change.
  • MRTs serve as Commanders' advisors for resilience training. Graduates of a 5-day course are the only personnel authorized to conduct formal resilience training.

If you have an interest in becoming a MRT, please email us. 

Resilience Training Assistant

Resilience Training Assistants (RTAs) are Service members, Federal employees or military spouses who have received the resilience training curriculum in a 24-hour block of core competencies.

  • RTAs can assist certified MRTs in teaching resilience and may teach up to four-hour blocks of the curriculum.

If you have an interest in becoming a RTA, please email us.

Contact Information

Community Support Coordinator

Work: 813-828-9338



NCOIC, Integrated Resilience Office

Work: 813-828-9337