Commentary Search

  • Coming together through social distancing

    We are physically more isolated from each other than we have ever been, but I believe this time of crisis and social distancing is ultimately bringing us together.

  • How becoming a long-distance mom prepared me for COVID-19

    One day, as if by magic – everything changed. I didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, I couldn’t plan or predict my next move and I couldn’t see a day when I would feel safe and at peace.There are two, distinct moments in my life that I experienced those exact feelings.The first time I felt lost

  • The three keys I carry every day

    It was March in 2017, when I would spend sleepless nights in bed, staring at the ceiling just pondering on what life had in store for me. I was in my second year of college, enrolled in a full schedule of classes while working more than 30 hours a week as a registered pharmacy technician. I

  • Not just an A1C

    By Senior Airman Ashley Perdue6th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

  • Curveballs: Life’s unexpected challenges

    I found out I was going to become a father just a few days after my 18th birthday. This was a time in my life where I wasn’t sure what my future held, but I knew I had to make a plan. I played around with a few ideas and discussed them with my then high school sweetheart, Jessica, but eventually

  • Honor Guard: I gave it a second chance

    Back in January 2017, when I went to Basic Military Training at Joint Base Lackland in San Antonio, Texas, that’s when I first heard about the Honor Guard. At the time, I was terrible at facing movements and unable to get in sync with 48 other people in formation. It was frustrating and my initial

  • First year on station: learn, work, lead

    Fresh out of technical school and seeing the pace of daily operations around MacDill Air Force Base definitely had me feeling intimidated. As the newest Airman in the public affairs office, seeing the work it took to document the mission of the 6th Air Refueling Wing and support the two combatant

  • Special Victims’ Counsel: Who are they and what do they do?

    Perhaps you have heard the term “SVC” in a commander’s call, newcomers’ briefing, or in some other Air Force function Fortunately, most service members will never interact with a Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC) office or need its services, but every member should know what the SVC is and what they

  • Finding a balance: Strengthening our family during a pandemic

    Attention parents! Are you interested in learning healthy and safe ways to manage your emotions when it comes to raising your children during a pandemic? Children learn from their parents and tend to model similar behaviors of stress during times of crisis. It is important to practice self-awareness

  • Other Hand Awareness: A simple approach to modern problems

    As with many of our duties, asking the important questions and noting simple changes could spark the flame of an entirely new way to complete a process or give valuable time back for other tasks that need to be completed. Footprints weren’t left on the moon by people who walked to work staring at