Commentary Search

  • Air Force Leaders’ Resilience: “Who is checking-in on us?”

    Air Force Magazine recently reported that during 2019, the U.S. Air Force experienced an increase in suicide rates across the service. As leaders, we are challenged with facing this number one enemy. As Airmen, we hear the term, “resiliency” constantly. Leaders at all levels preach the message of

  • 6th ARW Commander: Thank you!

    The holiday season provides an opportunity to pause and reflect back over the past year, recognize the accomplishments of our team and prepare for the challenges we will face in the New Year. To our Team MacDill Airmen and families—thank you!

  • TRICARE open season to begin Nov. 11, 2019

    This year, TRICARE open season takes place Nov. 11 to Dec. 9, 2019. During TRICARE Open Season, you can enroll in or change your TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select health plan. If you remain eligible for TRICARE coverage and make no changes during open season, then you will keep the same plan for

  • The Impact of Missed Medical Appointments

    The 6th Medical Group strives to provide our beneficiaries with access to the timely, high-quality health care they deserve. In addition to conducting monthly staff training, we consistently review performance standards in an effort to identify gaps and ensure that patient needs are being met.

  • Take Command: TRICARE Open Season Begins November 12, 2018

    Do you want to make enrollment changes to your TRICARE plan for 2019? Your chance is around the corner during TRICARE Open Season.Open season is an annual period when you can enroll in or change your health care coverage plan for the next year. TRICARE beneficiaries will experience Open Season for

  • Your MacDill AFB Pharmacy – Dedicated to keeping you safely medicated

    Did you know that more than 215,000 eligible beneficiaries can access our pharmacy services? That’s the greatest scope of responsibility for any single unit within the entire Department of Defense! To meet that enormous demand, your pharmacy operates four geographically separated sites: the Main

  • You only get one first assignment

    I was anxious to begin my official acclimation to my first base. Brand new to the operational Air Force, I was full of excitement and ready to learn what MacDill had in store for me.

  • Preparing For Your 2018 Taxes

    Tax season ended a few weeks ago, but you’re not done yet. Changes to the tax code will impact your income and taxes throughout the remainder of this year and are likely to impact the amount of your refund when you file your 2018 tax return. Properly adjusting to the new tax code is essential to