Commentary Search

  • Military Children’s Health Month: Taking care of our youngest beneficiaries

    The Military Health System is dedicated to making sure we provide good care to our service members, retirees, and families. As a pediatric emergency physician for more than 20 years, I have witnessed heartbreaking scenes of children brought in for treatment after a terrible accident or illness, so I

  • Start this summer safely

    As the warmer weather approaches, it is an ideal time for kids to be outside. Whether you're hitting the playground, visiting the beach, or hiking, the MacDill pediatrics team would like to share some important safety precautions to ensure that your family time doesn’t end up in the hospital.

  • Be a multiplier

    Everyone is a leader. Even our most junior teammates lead. While your individual sphere of influence changes based upon your position in an organization, as well as who you spend time with in your personal life, we all lead. My challenge to you is to make the most of every opportunity to grow as a

  • Respect

    Respect... It holds great importance in everyday life. As children, we are taught to respect parents, elders and teachers. During our youth, we find value in things like our nation’s flag, treating others how we’d like to be treated, and standing up for those who can’t defend themselves. As

  • No Airman is an island

    I’ve been in the Air Force almost seven years, and in each of those years, I can look back and pinpoint stressful, life changing or heart stopping moments that I experienced. In each of those moments, my Air Force family was there to be my shield and encourage to me in those times of darkness,

  • Do you inspire respect?

    Respect is a critical value in the Department of Defense and respect begets respect in the civilian sector as well, and Air Force policy reminds us that the welfare of our Airmen is our most important priority.

  • Judge Advocate General ROTC programs available

    Have you ever wanted to be part of one of the world’s largest law firms? The Air Force Judge Advocate General career field is one of the world’s largest law firms. If you are interested in becoming a JAG there are several different ways to enter into the career field. One of the ways is the Reserve

  • Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?

    I have this book I read from the Harvard Business Review Press titled, “Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?” by Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones. The foundation of the book pertains to authentic leadership. However, that’s not what attracted me to the book. The simple title immediately spoke to me. It

  • When Stealing is OK

    My name is Colonel Pat Miller, and I am a professional thief. I have been doing it for 19 years, and I’m not worried about being caught.